April Wellness Map
Hello sunshine! As I write this, the sun is shining after a snowstorm earlier in the week! But I am seeing green life popping it’s head up through the soil. It’s always so exciting to see those first few signs of what will soon be beautiful flowers.
Even though I’m feeling the sun on my back today, there are still snowdrifts around the yard. Tis the season. While Kapha (wet, heavy) energy is dominant this time of year, our liver can experience stress and exacerbate Pitta (hot, light) as we flush the winter accumulations from our bodies. Those intermittent sunny days can then increase that aggravation. Taking some quiet time to observe how you are feeling can help you navigate these ups and downs. Consider the following to incorporate depending on how you are feeling today (and yes, this can change daily for you and that’s okay and normal):
I know I mention this every month and may sound like a broken record, but … it matters! Abhyanga/Self-massage is a great morning practice to add to your day. If you are feeling very sluggish, replace abhyanga with dry brushing. If you are feeling more fired up/Pitta inflamed, then use coconut oil. Both get your circulation going and also provide a few minutes for you to check in with yourself before heading out to conquer the world.
The sun is rising earlier and earlier. Getting to bed earlier can help you feel ready to rise with it rather than sleep in. This will reduce that Kapha/heavy feeling that comes with the season.
If you are feeling Pitta (hot, light) inflamed, keep incorporating some sweet foods (grains, dairy, mint) along with bitter and astringent fare and avoid pungent spices.
Spring is the time of mucous as our body clean house. Sweet foods feed this and complicate the extractive process, so if you're feeling congested but that sweet tooth won’t leave you alone, try drinking some mint tea, or better yet, a tea of steeped cumin, coriander and fennel (equal parts of each) seeds. It is tri-doshic and wonderful for your digestive system and may just keep you from that cookie on the counter.
Still in the wet heaviness of Kapha season, we can continue to create balance in our bodies with a spotlight on bitter, pungent and astringent tastes, while also focusing on light, dry, gently warming, and of course seasonal ingredients. As always, all six tastes should be included in every meal, with the seasonal tastes being more dominant. For example, by subbing barley (astringent) for our main grain instead of rice (sweet), the astringent taste will take up more space on plate and the sweet taste can then be added as a compliment. In this case, maybe some roasted carrots, like in the ABC Barley Bowl.
Here are some foods to try if you are feeling the effects of Kapha:
Bitter foods: leafy greens like kale and swiss chard, eggplant, sesame seeds, chocolate, coffee, brussel sprouts, tea, zucchini, cumin, dill, turmeric. These foods stimulate the healthy flow of bile.
Pungent foods: heating spices like garlic, ginger, chilis, mustard, radish, black pepper and clove. Buckwheat, my favorite spring grain is also in this category. These foods heat your digestive system and really rev up your agni. If you are Pitta inflamed this spring, lay off of this category and instead incorporate sweet tastes.
Astringent foods: apples, pomegranate, avocado, sprouts, most raw vegetables, beans, popcorn, coriander, fennel, and parsley. These substances have a drying nature.
As Julia Child said, “The only stumbling block to success in the kitchen is fear of failure,” so I say go forth and play in the kitchen, one of my favorite things to do. One note however: in Ayurveda there are some foods NOT to combine. Here’s a quick list. Mainly this season, just eat fruit on it’s own and only with other foods if it is cooked.
When the kitchen calls you, check out some of my recipes in Kapha section of my recipes page. The Asparagus, Spinach and Lemon Spring Soup is so lovely and easy to make. I recently included it in my spring cleanse class and it was a huge hit!
In case you missed last month’s map, here are some of the recipes that are also perfect for the season:
teacher Laura Plumb’s Celery soup.
Next month we’ll start exploring what the hot dryness of Pitta season (Summer) will look like and how to prepare our bodies for this shift.
Every human is different; yoga and Ayurveda treat the individual and work best when tailored to your unique constitution. Contact me to learn more.
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Important note: The information provided is general guidance in accordance with Ayurvedic seasonal living. Every human is different; yoga and Ayurveda treat the individual and work best when tailored to your unique constitution. Contact me to learn more.