Restore and Sound Healing

Restore and Sound Healing

If you’re in the Loveland area, come join me at Loveland Community Yoga for weekly Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing classes, Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. and Sundays at 6 p.m. Gentle restorative poses return our bodies to a restful state, improve digestion and reduce stress. Sound therapy takes it a step further, clearing energetic channels, calming inflammation, and relaxing muscles and tissues while resetting the nervous system. Give yourself a much needed break and reset that will leave you feeling rested and ready to conquer the rest of the week.

Restore and Sound, Wednesdays, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m.

Moon Restore and Sound, Sundays, 6-7 p.m.
(this class includes a cooling Chandra Namaskar (moon salutation) series at the beginning of class

Loveland Community Yoga