June Wellness Map
It’s Summertime!
Things are heating up! How are you feeling? With June comes the arrival of Summer and Pitta (hot/sharp) season. As much as we wanted the warmth when we were covered by a foot of snow (which happens in good ole Colorado), it can start to feel overwhelming pretty quickly. We may get irritated, exhausted and angry at the drop of a hat. This is Pitta’s fire burning us out. The best thing we can do for ourselves is listen to our body and give it what it needs to feel balanced.
Here are a few Ayurvedic tips to help you do just that as the barometer climbs:
I know. You want a huge glass of ice water or lemonade after playing in the sun for a few hours. While it’s so tempting, cold liquids inhibit your agni (digestive fire) which can actually make you feel sluggish rather than invigorated. As the outside warms, your digestion actually slows as the body tries to dissipate heat out of the core. The solution is to drink sips of room temperature water with mint or cucumber (or both!) throughout the day. This will keep your body cooled and hydrated. Just slice up a cucumber, grab a sprig of mint and put them in a carafe with filtered water filled up in the morning. Use it to fill up your water bottle as you head out the door. Don’t forget sunscreen!
Breathe. Breath is our most accessible tool in our balancing and healing. Shitali is a cooling breath. Sitting comfortably, curl your tongue into a tube between your lips (if you can’t curl your tongue, pucker your lips like you are drinking through a straw), inhale deeply, then close your mouth and exhale through your nose. Do this 5-10 times. Be sure to relax your shoulders. Closing your eyes is a good way to automatically focus inward as well.
Try this mantra when things start heating up: “Where can I surrender?” Close your eyes and explore the answers within you.
Who wants to hang out in the kitchen when it’s gorgeous outside? For the summer months, I’m focusing on what I call “the Easies” and they are, well, easy, of course:
Borscht (this is a spring soup that easily transitions to summer)
I’ve also posted the seasonal spice and salt blends that you can use on just about anything you put in your mouth every day. Try a pinch of the salt blend on a slice of watermelon … perfection!
Last month we started incorporating the sweet taste, and that will stay with us for the next few months. But by sweet, I don’t mean cookies and cake. It’s fruit season! Grab whatever fresh fruit you have locally. Fruit is a perfect snack eaten on its own if you’re feeling zapped mid-day. And actually, between you and me, a scoop of ice cream won’t hurt ya. One of my teachers actually recommends it ;). Dairy is a great remedy for overheated pitta. Just intake sugar in moderation.
Here are some foods to add to your shopping list.
Sweet foods: Berries, bananas, dates, figs, mangos, melons, beets, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, rice, wheat, tofu, red lentils, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, coconut, aloe, avocado, lime, cilantro, mint, vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel. These foods are cooling and strengthening.
Bitter foods: leafy greens like kale and swiss chard, eggplant, sesame seeds, chocolate, coffee, brussel sprouts, tea, zucchini, citrus zest, cumin, dill, turmeric. These foods stimulate the healthy flow of bile. Bitter foods are the best for PItta (hot) to keep cool. So if you are feeling overheated, grab something here, or something from the sweet category (above).
Astringent foods: apples, pomegranate, avocado, sprouts, most raw vegetables, beans, popcorn, coriander, fennel, and parsley. These substances have a drying nature.
As I mentioned last month, in Ayurveda there are some foods NOT to combine. Here’s a quick list. Mainly this season, just eat fruit on it’s own and only with other foods if it is cooked.
Be sure to subscribe to my email list below to be get new recipes in your in-box every month!
June Spotlight - Berries!
Okay, I know it’s only June and Summer is just starting, but … berries! Here in Colorado pick-your-own starts in July (that’s just next month! SQUEEEEE!) and it’s one of my favorite things to do. If you’re in Northern Colorado, head to Garden Sweet for the most luscious strawberries and raspberries. You can sign up for a CSA and make your local farmer happy. And if you aren’t in Northern Colorado, Google “pick your own berries” + your location and have the time of your life while supporting your local producers!
Seriously though, being surrounded by the plants helps me to feel calm, centered and joyous. It’s a perfect grounding activity when Pitta (hot/sharp) is inflamed. The cool sweet berries at the end are a double bonus. If you are feeling super Pitta, plan your trip to be in the earlier (before 10 am) or later (after 5 pm) hours when the sun isn’t as intense. Then go talk to the plants and thank them for their naturally dosha balancing offerings.
Here are some berry good berry benefits:
Loaded with antioxidants
May help improve blood sugar and insulin response
High in fiber
Provide Vitamin C, Manganese, Vitamin K, Folate and Potassium
May help lower cholesterol levels
What’s not to love? Go find somewhere local to pick your berries and then wake up the next day and make an Easy Summer Smoothie. :) Life never tasted better.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more Ayurvedic insights daily and blog post alerts. Until next time, I wish you all love, health, and happiness!
💛, Stephanie
Important note: The information provided is general guidance in accordance with Ayurvedic seasonal living. Every human is different; yoga and Ayurveda treat the individual and work best when tailored to your unique constitution. Contact me to learn more.