Pitta (Summer) Stephanie Pas Hamill Pitta (Summer) Stephanie Pas Hamill

Seared Peach Salsa with Sprouted Mung Tacos

I used to make peach salsa from juicy Palisade Peaches every year, but once I delved into the waters of Ayurveda I discovered that tomatoes, as a nightshade, are rajasic, acidic and irritating to both Vata and Pitta. Bye bye peach salsa. This fun recipe makes me not miss that salsa so much, with seared peaches in an avocado salsa.

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Pitta (Summer) Stephanie Pas Hamill Pitta (Summer) Stephanie Pas Hamill

Sprouted Black Lentil, Avocado and Mango Tacos

Black Lentils (urad dal) are wonderful for the kidneys and when sprouted are a complete protein. I sub them in for cooked black beans in these tacos. Sprouting the lentils neutrilizes phytic acid, similar to cooking, making them easier to digest. You could also sub in mung beans, which are a wonderfully digestible protein as well. These yummy cooling tacos are full of fiber and vitamin C.

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