2022 - The Year to Find You

So many of us are lured by the "New Year-New You" philosophy. But here's the thing, do you want a new you, or simply to feel better?

One of the things I love so much about Ayurveda is that there doesn't need to be a new you. I mean, you're already pretty awesome. Perhaps you just need to get more in touch with, well, yourself. Take the time to really look, without judgement, at how you nourish yourself and your body mind reaction to that nourishment, whether it's food, sleep, media consumption, or any number of other things we consume. Through Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, we become our own observer and subsequently, our own healer.

So, join me this cold January (in Colorado) on a new path. Snuggle into yourself. Grab a journal, and rather than write down what you want to change about yourself this year, jot down what you do every day and the feelings that arise. Here's a simple template you can use (easily importable into Goodnotes if you're a digital notetaker) or just copy the prompts into your own notebook or napkins, or whatever you have on hand. This will serve as the starting point of your map to feeling better if you aren't feeling as great as you’d like.

As we progress down the Santosha Path, I'll provide guideposts every month to help translate those observations into solutions for feeling better this year. Every month you'll find easy recipes, a seasonal yoga practice, and a sadhana (practice) to help along the way.

I’m so excited to begin this journey with you. If you want to contact me or learn more about me, my story, and my health journey, go here.

Here’s to 2022, the year you find you.


Your January Map, plus my little detour …