Late Winter/Spring Spice Blend

Kapha (Winter/Spring) Balancing Spice Blend

Kapha (Winter/Spring) Balancing Spice Blend

Spicing is essential to digestive health. Make a batch or two of this as the beginning of the season and use a teaspoon or two on roasted veggies, soups, and more! I even sprinkle mine onto cottage cheese for an easy breakfast. In addition, this Kapha balancing blend can be used in any season if you are feeling sluggish with slow digestion.


  • 1-1/2 T coriander seeds
  • 1 T fenugreek seeds
  • 1 T cumin seeds
  • 1 t ground ginger
  • 1 t ground turmeric
  • 1 t ground cinnamon
  • 1 t ground clove
  • Β½ t cayenne


  1. Roast the seeds over medium low heat in a dry pan for a minute or two, until the aroma is released; let cool.
  2. Combine dry roasted seeds in a spice blender or mortar and pestle (I find this difficult with the fenugreek and prefer a blender); blend until seeds are broken down.
  3. Add to ground spices in an airtight jar and use in your cooking throughout late winter and spring, or when you are feeling lethargic and need some heating.

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